
تعرف أكثر على مجموعاتنا من التركيبات السريعة القياسية أو الآمنة للهواء المضغوط والسوائل الأخرى: هواء التنفس، دوائر التبريد، المياه، الهيدروليك، اللحام، تركيبات الإطلاق السريع

PPS BSQ - SQ Profile

PPS GSQ - SQ Profile grey

PPS - Aluminium blue pipe for compressed air

PPS - Aluminium grey pipe for vacuum

PPS - Aluminium blue bended link pipe

PPS - Aluminium grey bended link pipe

PPS CTU - Pipe cutter

Female thread wall bracket - Couplers and drain profile - British profile - ID passage 6 mm

Female thread wall bracket - Couplers and drain - European profile - ID passage 7.4 mm

Female thread wall bracket - Couplers and drain - ISO 6150 B profile - ID passage 6 mm

Female thread wall bracket - Couplers and drain - ISO 6150 C profile - ID passage 6 mm

Female thread wall bracket - Couplers and drain - TRUFLATE profile - ID passage 6 mm

Female thread single wall bracket - Outlet 1 coupler and drain

Female thread double wall bracket - Outlet 2 couplers and drain


Mounting deck for wall brackets prevoS1, ALTO air treatment units, accessories

Mounting deck for hose reels DMO - DGO - DVO - DGF - DSF - DPF - DRF - DMF

Small mounting plate for prevoS1, ALTO air treatment unit, accessories

Small mounting deck for hose reels DSF - DPF - DRF - DMF

Naked mounting deck for prevoS1 wall fittings, ALTO air treatment units and accessories

Naked mounting deck for hose reels DMO - DGO - DVO - DGF - DSF - DPF - DRF - DMF

Small naked mounting deck for prevoS1 wall fiitings, ALTO air treatment units or accessories

Small naked mounting deck for hose reels DSF - DPF - DRF - DMF

Suspension hook

Bolt holder

Tool holder

Hose holder

Universal bracket