
تعرف أكثر على مجموعاتنا من التركيبات السريعة القياسية أو الآمنة للهواء المضغوط والسوائل الأخرى: هواء التنفس، دوائر التبريد، المياه، الهيدروليك، اللحام، تركيبات الإطلاق السريع

DLO series - Steel with thermoplastic hose - Food grade

DMO - DGO series - Steel with thermoplastic hose - Food grade

DVO series - Steel with PVC hose

DRF/I series - 304 stainless steel - Polyurethane hose ether base

DSF/I series - 304 stainless steel - Polyurethane braided hose with ether base

DLOI series - 304 Stainless steel with thermoplastic hose - Food grade

DMOI - DGOI series - 304 Stainless steel with thermoplastic hose - Food grade

DMO - DGO series - High pressure steel - HP reinforced rubber hose

DMO - DGO series - High pressure stainless steel - HP reinforced rubber hose

DMO - DGO series - High pressure stainless steel - Hot Water - HP reinforced rubber hose

DMO - DGO series - Empty (no hose) - High pressure steel

DMO - DGO series - Empty (no hose) - Low pressure 304 stainless steel

DMO - DGO series - Empty (no hose) - High pressure 304 stainless steel

DOLEX Industrial rubber hose - Food grade

Hose extension with valved hose coupler and adaptor

Industrial wash gun